AGM 2020 Subscriptions Convenor’s Report


There are currently 320 members which is a considerable increase in last year when we had 294. (8.12% increase).
Female membership currently stands at 24.1%, an increase of 4.1% on last year, not including Ogilvies members. Listed below is current membership by category. There were 20 resignations and 1 demise.
Clubhouse – 70
Country – 6
Honorary Life – 51
Honorary Member – 1
Honorary Member (Post.) – 2
Honorary President – 1
Life – 39
Life/Family – 3
Junior/Family – 17
Ordinary – 98
Ordinary/Family -9
Student – 2
Ogilivie – 42


The complimentary membership for the residents of the Ogilvies development is coming to an end in the new season, except for the new block which is in the process of being occupied. All affected by the changes have been notified in advance of the new season and invited to join as Clubhouse members or indeed Ordinary members, when the renewal notices go out. Many members from the new flats have played an active part in the club and there have already been some positive responses although I expect that not all will renew. There are currently 42 Members within the Ogilvies development.

Temporary membership

47 individuals took advantage of temporary membership. This, as signalled last year, is a significant reduction. However, the percentage transferring to full membership has remained stable at 45%. Full credit is due to the sporting conveners given that it was a less than ideal season weather wise.
Clubhouse – 4/4/100%
Kayaking – 33/12/36%
Kayaking/Swimming – 2/0/0%
Rowing – 5/3/60%
Sailing – 2/1/50%
OWS – 1/1/100%
Total – 47/21/45%


It is hoped that we can make some changes to the renewal form to include an “opt in” for affiliation to the SCA. This will avoid the need for two forms.

Due to the extraordinary situation we are currently in, I will make no reference to the level of subscriptions or payment methods as this will be dealt with separately.

My sincere good wishes to all in this difficult time.

Rose Sloan
Subscriptions Convener