First Aid Course (CANCELLED)

The Club is able to offer members a choice of two First Aid courses in March of this year at a greatly reduced cost.
The courses on offer are –

 Emergency First Aid at Work – 1 Day
 HSE First Aid at Work – 3 Days

Both courses will be held within the Clubhouse and the 3 day course will be held over two weekends. Exact dates will be confirmed when we have exact numbers.
Numbers are limited to 12 only for each course. If there is sufficient interest more courses can be organised.


Emergency First Aid at Work – £25.00
HSE First Aid at Work – £50.00 – £60.00 (dependant on numbers)

If you are interested please leave your name and contact details with the Bar Staff (forms behind bar) or contact Ewen Chisholm.

Downloadable version of this article available here
First Aid Courses