Updated COVID Procedure for Water Sports at RWSABC – 15 November

Scottish Canoeing Association (SCA) has updated their guidance.  The Guidance includes changes for ‘Organised Paddlesport Activity’.  These changes will allow groups larger than 2 households and maximum 6 persons to go out together for ‘organised’ paddlesports.

Informal paddlesport outings and other sports at RWSABC are still limited to a maximum of 2 households and maximum of 6 persons.

General Changes for ALL Water Sports at RWSABC are:

  • You should wear  a face mask / face covering when inside any shed, toilet area or the Boat House
  • You should download and install the Protect Scotland App onto your smart phone
For Organised Paddlesport Activity the following procedure should be followed:
  • One person should plan and organise the paddle, you could have up to 30 people in the excursion.  This person should check the weather and tides.  Determine a likely destination and duration for the excursion.  Identify the people that are going to be on the excursion.
  • This person should review the RWSABC COVID Risk Assessment for kayaking (follow the link shown below to view this Risk Assessment)
  • This person is to send an email to formaloutings@rwsabc.com stating 1. – They have reviewed and understand the Risk Assessment. 2. – The date and expected departure time of paddle and expected duration. 3.- The names of the RWSABC members who are expected to participate in the paddle.
  • After the paddle this person is to send an email to formaloutings@rwsbac.com providing 1.- The actual start and end time of the excursion. 2.- An update if the actual participants do not match those who were expected to attend.

You will find a link to the Risk Assessment below (Opens in new window)

RWSABC COVID Risk Assessment for Kayaking <- Risk Assessment Link

You will find a link to the updated COVID procedures below (Opens in new window)

RWSABC COVID Procedures for Water Sports 14 November <- Updated COVID Procedures Link

If you have any queries please contact Joe Heffernan, RWSABC COVID Officer by sending an email to secretary@rwsabc.com

Stay Safe!