Last weekend the club was busy rowing at a couple of different venues and with different purposes.
A large group of members attended the Sail & Oar Festival at Millport on Cumbrae taking both Chippy McNish for the skiff racing and Whiteforland to provide Come & Try event.
Both were very well received with the numbers flocking to make use of Whiteforland almost swamping the crews.
The overall prize for the racing went to Chippy McNish, having won three of the four races on the day. We received a shield specially made for the event.
Emma Newton from Sail & Oar & Chris Nicol from the Cumbrae Centre thanked us for our attendance on the day. Cumbrae launched their St. Ayles Skiff on Friday night and it also took part in the racing on Saturday afternoon alongside Gobhancroit from Galgeal . It is a beautiful skiff named Cumbrae, with a white finish externally and a blue finish internally.
The Club was also rowing back at Glenarm RC on the Antrim Coast. Alex Stewart & Calum Ford were on holiday local to Glenarm last weekend with Jim & Fiona Ford. Arrangements were made for them to have access to boats. Elaine Nelson of Glenarm RC took Alex & Calum out, coxed by Jim, round the harbour and bay. The boys had an experience of the type of boats used by the Royal West when racing there earlier in the year. Glenarm RC is keen to come to Royal West before next year’s Dalriada Festival to continue this spirit of sporting and social exchange.