2018 Regatta

Royal West of Scotland ABC

Saturday 5th May 2018

Competitor and supporter information

Keep an eye on Regatta webpage for updates. Any questions please email rowing@rwsabc.com


Please email rowing@rwsabc.com by Sunday 29th April if you intend entering. Please also confirm the categories you will be entering.

Categories offered are as follows;

1. Open Women

2. Open Men

3. 50+ Women

4. 50+ Men

5. U18s

6. 40+ women

7. 40+ Men

8. Open Mixed

9. 50+ Mixed

10. 40+ Mixed

There is no entry fee for this regatta.

Arrival, boat & trailer storage, also parking

Royal West is located at the West end of Greenock Esplanade. Postcode PA16 7SE.

We have onsite storage facilities for boats in advance of and following race day. There is off street parking for trailers on the grass verge near the clubhouse and roadside parking bays for vehicles in the environs of the clubhouse.

Anyone wishing to arrive on the Friday night can offload their boat down to the hard. The clubhouse is open from 5pm on the Friday and there will be folk about to help.

Rowing event

There will be a crew and coxes briefing in front of the clubhouse at approx. 10:15 with the first race starting about 11:00. The racing should finish at approx. 16:30, following which we will have a tidy up of boats before we hold the prizegiving.

IN A CHANGE TO THE PUBLISHED NOTICE, racing will be over a straight 500m course. Start line will be at the first slipway East of the Club. Finish line will be off the West on the Club beach. The course will run parallel to the Esplanade East of the clubhouse.

Heats of up to 4 boats will take place with at least one boat from each heat progressing to a final.

Example of race progression below.

  • Four boats entered – straight final
  • Five boats entered – Heat of 3 (first 2 to final) plus heat of 2 (first boat to final)
  • 6+ boats entered – Heats of 3 or 4 (first 2 to final)


Food & Drink

Our clubhouse has a licenced bar but will also have hot & cold light snacks, tea, coffee and baked goods on sale.

Post racing you are welcome to order in food from local outlets and eat in the main lounge of the clubhouse, ahead of the evening disco with quiz.

Changing, showers and toilet facilities.

Royal West has all of the above facilities on the ground floor of the clubhouse.

Post rowing event activities

Royal West will be hosting an evening function of fun and friendship in the clubhouse, that all are welcome to attend. This should be underway by 20:00 and will last until approx. 00:30.

If there is enthusiasm for it, we will probably muster a few boats, including other craft from the Royal West fleet, on the Sunday morning to take a trip to Kilcreggan for brunch.


There are a number of hotels as well as some B&B’s in Greenock & Gourock. Below are links to them


For those with a desire to camp, Royal West has a back garden you are welcome to camp in. We can provide access to toilets, 240V power and water overnight. Let us know in advance if you want to make use of this option, as space is limited. If we are oversubscribed then we may have alternative camping space in members’ gardens locally.