
The RWSABC is the oldest club on the Clyde providing facilities for fixed seat rowing. We currently have three UKCC Level 2 fixed seat rowing coaches and a Club fleet that consists of 2 Heavy fours, 3 Portobello Class Jollyboats, 2 St.Ayles Skiffs, 6 Pairs and 3 Sixteens.

If you would like to try rowing please contact the club through our contact page or via email to: Beginner’s coaching currently takes place on a Tuesday evening from 6pm between mid-April and mid-September.  The Royal West rowers also go out on other days of the week throughout the year. 

The club was also a founding member of the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association, further information can also be found at the Scottish Coastal Rowing Website.

RWSABC St Ayles Skiff Launch