New Committee Member
The Committee welcomes Carron McKee who has joined the Committee in the role of Assistant Rowing Convener.
Masts in the Main Shed
There are around 10 masts from sailing boats in the Main Shed at the Club. The Committee wishes to dispose of these as they contribute to the general clutter. If you are the owner of a mast in the Main Shed, please contact the Honorary Secretary. We can then identify and mark your mast to be sure it is not removed.
Ocean Youth Trust Jumble Sale at James Watt Dock – Saturday, 23 March 10:00 am to 4:oo pm
The Ocean Youth Trust exists to inspire young people through the challenge of youth work on the waves. Their voyages provide a uniquely powerful and effective tool for the personal development of young people from all backgrounds.
To support their work, they are having a Jumble Sale at James Watt Dock on Saturday, 23 March. They are looking for donations of sailing or boat-related items. If you have something that is gathering dust, please consider donating it. Alternatively, make your way to the Jumble Sale and see if they are selling something you could use.
Upcoming Events
An email has been sent out to all members of the Club with further details.
Friday, 26 January 8:00 pm – Boat Club Sessions
Saturday, 27 January 6:15 pm – RWSABC Bard at the Boat Club
Tuesday, 6 February 7:45 pm – Winter talks on selected Tuesday evenings begin
Saturday, 10 February 7:00 pm – An evening of Jazz Piano
Friday, 23 February 8:00 pm – Boat Club Sessions
Saturday, 23 March 10:00 am to 4:00 pm – Ocean Youth Trust Sailing Jumble Sale at James Watt Dock
Wednesday, 27 March 2024 7:00 pm – RWSABC AGM
Friday, 29 March 8:00 pm – Boat Club Sessions
You can see the email that was sent out by following this link: