The last week has seen the Club busy on a number of fronts.
You might have noticed the roadworks at the corner of the Esplanade and Eldon Street. This was being carried out on behalf of a firm called CTIL, who have leased the upper section of our back garden for a temporary telecoms mast. The trench they were digging is to get the fibre optic cable across the street. This should mean that they start installing the mast soon.
The financial benefit from the mast will be detailed in the accounts at the AGM in March, however a more apparent and immediate benefit is the external redecoration that is nearing completion. This will be followed next week with the replacement of two of the rear windows and then towards the end of the month by the complete replacement of the balcony stairs.
On the sporting front;
- Kayaking is getting busy again with Paul Edgar & helpers to be seen on the water each Monday & Tuesday night. Think there is a beginners trip planned for early in August.
- Sailing continues on Wednesday nights, see the latest results on the Sailing tab
- Open Water Swimming getting ready for the Cross Clyde Swim on Saturday 16th August. Think Joe, Al & Paul will be looking for helpers onshore and on the water. Please contact them if you can help in any way.
- Rowing has been active at various regattas and other events in the last few weeks. See more details below.
The Graham Family attended the Regatta at Portsoy a few weeks ago, I was the Chief Umpire for the day. Conditions were very rough on the Saturday so instead of the planned races outside the harbours we organised a boat handling time trial event in the New Harbour. Sunday was better but still rough so we ran head to head sprint races from the mouth of the harbours out to marks and back in. This lasted for about 3 hours with all crews prepared to take on the swells and breaking waves getting a race.
The Club sent a crew down to Irvine with Birdie Bowers on Saturday 5th July to the launch of the new skiff at Irvine CRC. There were also skiffs from Carrick, Troon and Firth of Clyde. The event was well attended and should be a good launch for the new club.
The Grahams also attended Ullapool CRC Regatta in Ullapool last weekend. Andrew Graham managed to form a scratch composite crew with the Wightman girls from North Berwick and Isla from Ullapool, to compete in the U17 event over the World Championship 2km course. They competed at the same time as the 40+ Mixed event, to make up a start line of 15 skiffs. They finished 2nd in their category, beaten by the long standing Coigach crew. The scratch crew finished 11th overall, ahead of 4 adult crews. See below the crew before heading out in a skiff borrowed from Mull CRC (thanks), then collecting thier medals.
There was also a mammoth weeding session on Saturday. This cleared a huge amount of material out of the dinghy park and the retaining wall. Thanks to all who assisted.
On Monday night Chippy McNish was being loaded for a trip to Millport as part of a Guard of Honour for the arrival of the Queen’s Baton to the place it was born. It was realised that the Baton was about to pass the clubhouse so a salute with oars was quickly organised.
Surprisingly the first thing to pass was a Zebra, and not the Club’s Zebra, but a two legged version
As the Baton Bearer passed a shout of “get in the boat” went up, so he did. Chippy McNish, very breifly, carried the Baton.
On Tuesday in Millport Chippy McNish and crew, along with boats from Cumbrae, Firth of Clyde, Carrick, GalGael & Irvine provided a Guard of Honour for the Baton, arriving by Rhib from Largs Marina. Making her first appearance representing the Club was Sarah Graham, who coxed as the Baton arrived and rowed as it departed.
The Summer still has some weeks, if not months to run. There are some private trips and holidays with boats going on and it would be good to receive photos and write ups to post on the website. All contributions welcomed.