A small team of worthies spent time on Sunday afternoon readying Chippy McNish for a trip to the East Coast next Saturday. The skiff was emptied of oars, floorboards, etc. before being hosed down then rubbed down to remove the mysterious rust stains all over the internal paintwork. Until we rub back and repaint the hull in the Autumn can any crew using Chippy please hose down with fresh water before putting him away.

Next weekend Chippy McNish might also be racing on Strathclyde Loch. Scottish Rowing are eager to see the skiffs in action and if there is time in the race schedule at The Scottish Championships we may put on a demonstration event.
The weekend after next Chippy McNish & Birdie Bowers will be travelling to Glenarm on the Antrim Coast to race at the Dalriada Festival. The club has entered crews in both the 7km Dalriada Challenge race and the 800m sprint events.
Anyone interested in rowing, either for pleasure or in competition, is encouraged to come down to the club on a Thursday night around 6pm and join in.
Adam Graham
Rowing Convenor