Yesterday’s weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the 20 people who turned up to mark the end of the Summer Season and start of the Winter Season. There was even a very short trip in Birdie Bowers for a mixed crew.
Land based competition was the order of the day for the group. Three teams of four competed in two running events, a scavanger hunt and a Boat Club based quiz. The result of the scavanger hunt was contested as although it was clearly a non-contact event, there were reports of bucket carriers being jostled on the beach.
The overall results saw the Captain’s team first with 20.5 points, Hon. Sec’s team second with 18 points and the VP’s team third with 17 points.
The day was rounded off with a takeaway and some beers in the hall.
Everyone is looking forward to the St.Ayles Skiff regatta on Castle Semple Loch on Saturday 27th October. There should be local crews from Royal West, Cumbrae, Troon & Carrick, as well as visiting crews from the East. Don’t forget the Halloween Dance on that same evening.