There have been a few improvement projects ongoing over the last few months. The latest update on them is as follows;
1. As some of you may have noticed we have been installing a new fire detection system within the clubhouse. This has extended the detection to the upper part of the clubhouse and into the attic voids. This was undertaken voluntarily by a small number of suitably experienced members, with the Club covering the cost for materials. Over the last couple of days we have had an external contractor working to test, commission & certify the system. There will be a system test on the evening of the AGM so that members can hear the sounders and to comply with statutory requirements.
2. Our broadband and subsequently the Wifi has been upgraded. You should find connection a lot better, even during busy events in the clubhouse.
3. Plans for the new boatshed on the foreshore, to replace the container, should be available shortly. In case you were not aware, our new neighbours (Ogilvie Homes) have offered to help us improve the appearance of this area of the foreshore. Their contribution is a new boatshed in line with the top of the middle slipway, big enough for the rescue boat plus the same again.
4. The telecoms mast was due to have been removed about now but CTIL have asked for an extension to the lease for at least 3 months with an option to roll that forward on a month-by-month basis following that. The Committee has agreed to this as the income from the mast has provided the funds to undertake a number of projects on the fabric of the clubhouse. This has included the external fire escape stairs refurbishment, main door entrance stairs & bridge replacement, now central heating boiler and hot water tank.
There was a boatshed tidy last weekend. We will arrange another session before the start of the season to tidy the beach and gardens. Watch out for the dates on this website and the social media sites linked to the Club.
Adam A. Graham
Hon. Sec.