We have three key markers that all need to be in line
1. Approval of Scottish Government
2. Approval of the relevant marine agencies & governing bodies
3. Internal Club procedures
Once all of these in place we can commence the re-opening process.
- The announcement this afternoon by the First Minister that Phase One of the Routemap is to be implemented, satisfies the first of our markers.
- We are monitoring updates from the relevant agencies and governing bodies this afternoon, to see if the second of our markers is satisfied
- We will feed any comments from these agencies and governing bodies into the guidance we already have prepared, in order to complete this guidance before issuing it
Rest assured, Committee Members are as eager as any other Member to get afloat, and we are working hard to make sure this happens as soon as possible.
Please bear with us as we assess any new guidance published today.
Adam Graham
Hon. Sec.