Sadly we acknowledge the passing of one of the River Clyde’s most well known Sea Kayakers. While not a member, Duncan was a long term friend and supporter of the Club and its Kayaking activities. Known throughout the world not only as a Sea Kayaker who had paddled a considerable distance and in a number of locations around the globe. He was perhaps best known as a leading international authority on the history and development of sea kayaking, from its traditional roots to the modern sport.
As an early enthusiast in Kayaking he designed the ‘Clyde’ and ‘Gantock’ sea Kayaks from which many modern boats have evolved. He was a leading figure in establishing the Scottish Canoe Association and in the development of a coaching scheme to support safe club paddling.
While he wasn’t a member of Royal West, in the early days of Sea Kayaking on the River, through the Schools’ Canoe Association and the early days of establishing Kayaking in the club, he was around the Club a lot supporting activities and assessments. He attended the 150th commemorative celebrations and the Scottish Canoe Association South West Regional Forum at the Club in September last year.
We will miss his knowledge, enthusiasm and support.
Matt McElroy