Every day of the weekend had something going on.
Friday night was the April Boat Club Session with a group of about 30 gathering in the Hall to enjoy live musical performances. The youngest performer was 13 years old, George & Mary’s granddaughter Anna. It would be impolite to disclose the age of the oldest. A good mix of members and their guests took part. Everyone is looking forward to the May Session.
Saturday mornings weather was not great but it still saw the “Saturday morning squad” launch Zebra for a trip on the river. As they returned folk were gathering for the Club Activity Day. We had about 30-40 members and guests down during the afternoon trying out rowing and canoeing. The No. 1 pair was launched and taken for a cruise, with outboard, out as far as the Whiteforeland mark. Late afternoon the barbecue was lit and groups/families Cooked-Their-Own. The gathering moved into the Clubhouse after dinner, although the kids carried on playing on the beach.
It has been suggested that an activity day like this is organised on a regular basis through the open season to encourage a more widespread use of all of the boats. There had been plans to run some races on Saturday but folk were having fun experiencing different boats that this was not pursued. Next time round maybe.
The Hall had been booked for a private function (Hen Night) on Saturday night and was decorated for the event. This function generated a very good turnover in the bar and was reportedly very well received by all those in attendance.
Sunday morning saw the arrival of 70th Greenock Scout Troop for a rowing experience session. The new Troop Leader, David Love, has been very active in getting parents involved in widening the Scout activities. Through this process a group of 12 Scouts and leaders spent the morning learning about the Club, its history and the boats. The weather had not been great when they arrived at 10:00 and by 11:30 was no better. A Pair was launched briefly but the waves were too big and any attempt to go afloat with the Scouts was abandoned. They did however learn the importance of team work in launching and recovering the pair. A number have indicated their enthusiasm for trying rowing and will be back down on Thursday night at 17:30 along with the Club’s Juniors.
Everyone who helped or participated in the activities over the weekend is thanked for their support of the Club.