The following has been email to the membership, will be posting out same to those for whom we have no email address, but thought it best also to post on the website.
There are a number of events over the coming months that we would like to draw your attention to.
Saturday 8th September, 13:00-17:30
Fun Day at the Club. Bring family & friends to try a water sport. Bring some raw meat and BBQ.
Saturday 8th September, 14:30-17:30
The Club is taking part in the Open Doors day and there will be members of the public looking round the clubhouse. Volunteers to guide them through and explain a bit about the Club and its history would be welcomed.
Sunday 9th September, 13:00-17:30
The Club is taking part in the Open Doors day and there will be members of the public looking round the clubhouse. Volunteers to guide them through and explain a bit about the Club and its history would be welcomed.
Thursday 13th September, from 20:30
The Committee is hosting an informal Induction Evening for all members who have joined over the last few years.
Saturday 15th September, 19:30 for 20:00
Duncan McCrone & Friends are performing at the Club. Tickets available at the bar.
Friday 28th September, from 20:00
The next “Boat Club Session”, part of this long running series of successful informal folk nights. Come along and try it.
Sunday 21st October
The Club is involved, in a small way, in the local celebration of the life of Birdie Bowers. His most recent biographer and his nearest surviving descendant will be at the Club from approx. 10:00 on this day to have a look at the skiff and toast his memory. There may also be an international celebrity taking part in this event. The Club has also taken a table at the Commemorative Dinner at the Tontine in the evening, more details about that to follow.