Happy New Year to you all. Hope 2018 brings you all that you need and want.
We have a Hogmanay mystery to solve and are looking for all the folk who saw in the New Year at the Club to take part.
Sort of like musical chairs, when the music stopped one of our members had no jacket to travel home in. His house and car keys were in the pocket. It had been hanging in the Members’ Lounge/ TV Room. Can you all check the cupboard under the stairs (note the Harry Potter reference) or wherever you hang your coats, to see if you have an extra black North Face jacket.
If you find it can you drop me a message at secretary@rwsabc.com and leave it with the bar staff in the clubhouse.
Hogmanay at the Club was another popular and good event. Thanks to the band for all the music, also to Liz and her helpers for working the bar.
Yesterday was the Annual New Year’s Day Swim, organised by Joe & Willie. There were 20 brave soles who ventured into the river and 6 kayakers providing safety cover for the bravest of them, who swam to Madeira Street and back. As well as those on the water there was a good crowd of spectators on the Esplanade. There are a lot of great photos from the event on the kayakers Facebook page.
On Friday at 6pm we are looking for volunteers to help take down Christmas. There might be left over biscuits and cake to sustain the workparty. All welcome.
Adam Graham
Hon. Sec.