Membership renewal for year from April 2011

Please find below the membership renewal form for the year from April 2011. There has been no change in fees this year – the current fee levels and charges for boat storage etc.  are detailed on the form. Paper copies of the form are available in a red folder on the noticeboard inside the front door of the club, or can be mailed out to you on request. I would appreciate it if you could please fill out the form in BLOCK CAPITALS. A form for joining the 200 club (with a chance to win a prize each month) is also below.

Membership renewal form for the year from April 2011 [PDF]

200 Club membership form [PDF]

Please note that if you wish to pay your membership subscription in instalments, growing bank charges mean that we now only offer this option by standing order.  In order that we can process the standing orders in time for the first payment on 28th April, we ask that you please return the completed form to the club by 16th April at the latest. Otherwise payment can be made by cash or cheque, either by post, for the attention of the membership convenor, or at the bar.  However you choose to pay, please make sure a completed form accompanies your payment so that it can be logged appropriately.

Your name and contact details (email address, postal address and telephone number) will be included in a printout of the membership list which is kept behind the bar and is available for members to consult on request. If you object to your contact details being available in this way, please let me know.

The latest club news, including launch of the first of two new St Ayle’s Skiffs and 11 new North Shore Atlantic Sea Kayaks can be found on the new website at

(This site will be mirrored at as soon as the hosting company has responded to the club’s request). Thanks are due to Pam Forsyth for putting together the new site, and also to Donald McMillan for the effort he put into looking after the previous site for many years.

The first evening sessions for adults begin with kayaking on Monday 28th March, meet at 6.30pm.

The first kayaking session for junior members will  be on Monday 18th April (when the schools go back), and will run every Monday thereafter through until September.

Finally, if you know anyone who is interested in participating in coached kayaking and/or rowing sessions at the club, please encourage them to take up a temporary membership. Temporary members, on payment of a fee of £10 are entitled to use the Club equipment and facilities when under the direction/coaching of a full member of the Club, on organised club nights, for a period of one calendar month. Temporary Membership forms will be downloadable from the club website, and paper copies are kept by the signing out book.



Membership convenor