Further to discussions with Ogilvies earlier this week we can announce that construction of the new beach shed should commence at the start of September and be complete early November.
The shed is intended to replace the container used to store and secure the Club’s RHIB, also the temporary boat shelters formed adjacent to it. It has also been designed with features to allow for use as race control centre, thereby making the dearly loved sailing (garden) shed redundant.
The shed will be 6.4m wide x 8.4m back-to-front and sit approximately where the St’Ayles skiffs are at the moment. At 8.4m back-to-front it will be more than 2m longer than the container. There will be a main door facing the top of the slipway, a pedestrian door facing the clubhouse and a window facing North West.
In order to prepare the area for the construction process we need to clear all the boats and equipment to the west of the middle slip by the end of August. If you have any boats or equipment in this area please arrange to move them to the main boat hard above the beach. We will be arranging at least one workparty in the coming weekends to relocate Club equipment and clear the container. Keep an eye out for these dates.
Adam Graham
Hon. Sec.