On Sunday 4th June from 10am until 4pm, the Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat Club will be giving tours of its clubhouse on Greenock Esplanade and running free kayak taster sessions suitable for those with no prior experience or anyone considering returning to the sport. The sessions are aimed at adults. 14 to 18 year olds are also welcome but need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All you need to take is spare clothes plus a towel and you can give it a go. For further details, or to book in advance, please email the club: canoeing@rwsabc.com .
Below are a couple of flyers that Willie Bell has produced with more information, if you want to circulate them.
RWSABC Go Kayaking flyer for 4th June 2017
If you are interested in helping or participating please contact Willie via canoeing@rwsabc.com.
Adam Graham