The RWSABC Opening Cruise is scheduled for Saturday, 15 April. We ask people to begin assembling at the Boat Club at 10am.
The current weather forecast is for very nice conditions tomorrow. High tide at Greenock is 8:20am with high tide at 2:50pm.
The current plan is for sailors, rowers and paddlers to make their way to Rosneath Caravan Park, a distance of around 5km (~3 miles). There we will land and go to their Bar and Cafe. The Cafe has been warned that we are coming but they can’t promise that they will have seating for us. It is recommended that you bring a packed lunch and flask, in case, we can’t get food and drink there.
We are being joined by rowers from Royal Gourock who will be bringing both of their skiffs. The opening cruise is a way to meet others in the Club and reacquaint yourself with old friends. Enjoy!