P1 Powerboat 2016 Scottish Grand Prix of the Seas, 18th & 19th June

As you are all hopefully aware the above event will be happening off the Esplanade over the same weekend as our 150th Anniversary Ball. The Jet Ski event will be based from our beach.

There is going to be a safety exclusion zone imposed by Clydeport, which will mean we cannot launch any craft from our foreshore on the Saturday or Sunday, other than for the parade we will be putting on ahead of the event on the Saturday. Please do not make any plans for independent launching from the Club foreshore on those days.

You may not be aware that we are also hosting the 2016 RYA Scotland AGM on the morning of Saturday 18th June. The clubhouse will therefore be very busy with Members & friends, as well as participants in both of these events. We would ask any members with time to spare over that weekend, willing to help with bar and light catering duties, to contact one of the committee.

We would also intimate our intention to close the clubhouse at 17:30 sharp on Saturday 18th June, in order for all members and club staff to have time to get ready for attending the Ball. The clubhouse will re-open again on the Sunday.


Adam Graham
Hon. Sec.