As you are no doubt aware the P1 Powerboat event is back again this year on the last weekend of June.
The clubhouse will be open as normal over that weekend, albeit that we will open the bar earlier on the Saturday & Sunday. Members and their guests are encouraged to attend and view the event from the balcony or hard in front of the clubhouse.
How will the event impact on normal operation?
- There will be “soft” security at the entrance from the Esplanade checking membership cards, please have them with you. Alternatively, over this coming weekend paid up members can buy a specially designed RWSABC wristband for £1
- Members will be asked not to take glassware off the balcony onto the hard. There will be plastic pint & half pint tumblers available. This is to minimise the possibility of broken glass down there and also reduce the area the glass collectors need to cover.
- Members will not be able to launch any boat off the Club beach during the Saturday & Sunday, as we are within an exclusion zone for the event. Will post the Notice to Mariners on the Club noticeboard when received.
- We have let the Club beach and hard above it to the event organisers for the jet bikes & jet skis to use as a localised base during the event. This will be out-of-bounds to all members to avoid any accidents or injuries.
- The Esplanade, all side roads between it and Eldon Street as well as the north side of Eldon Street will either be closed to vehicles or have parking restrictions from midnight on the Wednesday. Please be aware of this when parking in the few days before the weekend.
- There will be no public parking outside the clubhouse.
- The participants and event organisers will be granted temporary membership for the weekend, on presentation of their accreditation. Please make them welcome.
The Chinese State Circus is also in the Battery Park over that weekend. So Fort Matilda and the surrounding streets will be very busy.
Unlike last year, we WILL NOT be opening the hard to the public. Furthermore, ONLY guests accompanied by a member will be granted access.
Trust the above clarified the arrangements for that weekend.
Adam A. Graham
Hon. Sec.