Please Support Ardgowan Hospice by listening to Inverclyde Voices

Rose Sloan our esteemed RWSABC Subscriptions Convener and member of Inverclyde Voices is asking for your support of Ardgowan Hospice.  Because of COVID restrictions they are suffering a huge loss of income.

Inverclyde Voices is supporting the Hospice by providing a Virtual Concert of their favourite songs on Sunday 26 July starting at 3pm.

To view the concert go to the Inverclyde Voices Facebook Page or their Website. <-This is the link to the Inverclyde Voices Facebook Page <– This is the link to the Inverclyde Voices website

If you would like to make a donation to Argowan Hospice using Just Giving the link to this is shown below.  Rose is hoping to raise £1050 for the Hospice. <– This is the link to Rose’s Ardgowan Hospice Just Giving Page

Thank you!