Regular Swimming at the Club to resume on Friday 18 June 7pm

Regular swimming on a weekly basis will recommence on Friday 18 June aiming to enter the water at 7pm.  The time has been moved from the previous years 6:30pm to allow those who work a greater opportunity to join the swims.  No regular swimming is currently planned for Thursday evenings.

As per current COVID Guidelines you should arrive at the Club ready for your swim.  The changing rooms may be used after your swim but they are limited to 3 people in each changing room and only one person may take a shower at any one time.  It is probably best to return home after your swim and change and shower at home.

The maximum number of participants is limited to 15 and only Club Members are allowed.

For the 18th the weather conditions are looking good.  The tides are looking good also as high tide is at 7:18 on the 18th.

Joe Heffernan (Open Water Swimming representative on the Committee)