Royal West addition : “Erajarvi” 16ft Finnish design Double Skull

We have recently been donated this beautiful 16ft double skull by the Sutherland’s of Killcregan, the history of this boat is quite impressive, It was built by a lady called Liz Todrick, she had gone on holiday with the Sutherland’s to Erajarvi in Finland where they rowed a similar boat. They really liked the boat so as Liz was a boat builder with McGruers of Clynder she took the measurements of the boat they had rowed and proceeded to build this replica for them on their return, i understand that Liz was in her 70s when she built the boat, Erajarvi looks like being the last rowing boat built on the Clyde by a woman.

Liz was also the owner of the gaff rigged cutter Ayrshire Lass, Liz Died in 1996 aged 96.

Its design is not unlike our 16 fleet, its not been in the water for some years however we were able to row it back across to the club on a very calm night loaded with launching trolly, it did sit low in the water exposing a slightly split plank however it was very watertight considering which is a testament to the boat builders skills and craftsmanship.
