Royal West supports Respect the Water #RespectTheWater

The Royal West is supporting the RNLI and National Water Safety Forums annual ‘Respect The Water’ (#RespectTheWater) campaign.  To show our support you will see the #RespectTheWater flag flying above the Club House.

#RespectTheWater is campaign which originates from RNLI, and now is the national campaign for members of the National Water Safety Forum. It runs throughout the year, but with a focus on the busy spring and summer months.

It aims to provide lifesaving advice for those in danger in, on or close to the water.

Across the UK many people lose these lives each year in coastal and inland waters. Many of these losses are preventable if more people knew about the dangers and what to in an emergency should they or someone else find themselves in danger in the water.

The Key Messages for this campaign are:

  • look after yourself and your family,
  • If you get into trouble in the in the water, Float to Live. Lean back and use your arms and legs to help you float, then get control of your breathing before calling for help or swimming to safety,
  • If you see someone else in trouble in the water, call 999 or 112. If you are the coast ask for the coastguard, if you are inland, ask for the fire service.

If you wish to support the RNLI to save lives you can make a donation at: