As instructed by the Committee, in accordance with Clause 11.2 (a) of the RWSABC Constitution, a Special General Meeting is called for Wednesday, 28 June 2023 at 7:00 pm in the RWSABC Clubhouse.
The Agenda for this Special General Meeting is as follows:
1) Vice President’s Welcome
2) Apologies
3) Explanation of the proposed change to the RWSABC Constitution.
4) Deliberation concerning the proposed change to the RWSABC Constitution.
5) Vote to change the RWSABC Constitution – Those present will vote on the following:
The following shall be added to the RWSABC Constitution as part ‘j’ of Section 23 in the RWSABC Constitution:
j) ‘audited’ means independently examined; ‘auditor’ means independent examiner
Vote Yes if you approve the addition to Section 23 of the above,
Vote No if you do not approve the addition to Section 23 of the above.
Meeting ends
Joe Heffernan, RWSABC Honorary Secretary
Posted to RWSABC Website and Notice Board on 6 June 2023