Scottish rivers and the potential impacts of hydro power: a paddler’s perspective

Hi there

My name is Gary Pelc and I am a student at SRUC and the University of Edinburgh. I am doing an honours thesis this year called ‘the recreational benefits of Scottish rivers and the potential impacts of hydro power: a paddler’s perspective’. The aims of the thesis are to estimate the recreational benefits that Scottish rivers provide paddlers by using a number of economic valuation models, discover the attitudes of paddlers towards hydro power and to predict the impact that hydro power will have on Scottish paddling over the coming years.

What I would like from you is to fill out the questionnaire that is linked below and I have also created a dedicated facebook page for it. All responses are totally anonymous and all data will be securely stored on Survey Monkeys servers and subject to full data protection.

The survey shouldn’t take you any more than a few minutes to complete. Please pass it onto anyone else that you feel may be interested or post it on your forum chat page or email list. The survey is fairly straight forward but if you have any queries about the questions, or the research direction in general then please get in touch either at or 07577283658

I will make the thesis public after it is marked in the summer of 2013 and hopefully it will provide useful in trying to preserve Scottish rivers (and get me a good mark). Any participation at all will be greatly appreciated.


Gary Pelc