South Arran Marine Protected Area

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you on behalf of COAST to request the support of your club and its members for the South Arran Marine Protected Area.

Marine Scotland has proposed the South of Arran be a Marine Protected Area as part of a larger MPA network across Scotland. The public consultation will be crucial in determining if and how the South of Arran will be included within this network.

COAST is a registered Scottish charity which works to ensure shared responsibility for the protection and restoration of the marine environment around Arran and the Clyde and the diversity of life it supports. We are looking to make the public aware of this consultation and ensure that clubs and organisations with a stake in the health of the marine environment are given the opportunity to voice their opinions.

This is your chance to respond to the MPA consultation.

For more information please visit our website

We are counting on your support. We promise that we will not telephoning you unless you ask us for more information, but we do hope that you will respond positively to our written request and encourage others to respond. Remember that your response will help to ensure the protection of marine life for future generations.

Thank you in advance for your support!


Andrew Telford
Administration Officer
COAST (Community of Arran Seabed Trust)
Office: 01770 600656 Mobile: +44 (0)7533910512

Remember to fill in your South Arran MPA response form, your opinion counts!
Scottish charity No. SC042088