At the 2018 AGM a revised Constitution was conditionally adopted by the meeting on the understanding that it be reviewed & agreed by the Club’s lawyer. This review has been carried out and I can confirm the Club lawyer did not raise any concern that the amended clauses would deem the revised Constitution unsound.
He did make some suggestions where we could add clarity to both the amended and un-amended clauses. The Committee has taken these suggestions onboard and are going to propose a revised Constitution to the membership at a General Meeting on Thursday 21st March, ahead of it being voted on at a subsequent meeting.
We would herein intimate that the proposed subsequent meeting, at which we would like this amended Constitution to be deliberated & voted upon is the 2019 AGM on Thursday 28th March.
Copies of this amended document will be posted on the main noticeboard and on the Club website in the coming weeks, for members to review ahead of the meetings.
Adam Graham
Honorary Secretary