Special General Meeting, Tuesday 20th Feb 2018 – UPDATE

General Meetings
Tuesday 20th February 2018

The Club has been asked to update it’s Constitution by the SCA & RYA, to bring it into line with the Equality Act 2010 and to bring it into line with requirements for affiliation to these two organisations. The Committee has also taken the opportunity to update & clarify elements within the Constitution that have been noted by members since the last revision in 2009.

The purpose of the meeting above is to present this revised Constitution to the membership for discussion prior to taking a final copy to the AGM on 29th March for adoption.

Copies of the existing & proposed Constitutions will be available for collection from the clubhouse week commencing 12th Feb 2018 or can be viewed via these links.


Const_Draft 03 Feb 2018

For this meeting to be quorate we need at least 15 members in attendance. Please support your committee as they work to update & improve the way we operate.

Adam A. Graham
Honorary Secretary