St Kilda June 2014

Message from Island Cruising that may be of interest to club members.


This is a guided kayaking trip for a unique opportunity to kayak around various locations on the west coast of the Hebrides the Monarch Isles and the main destination St Kilda with its unique wild life and spectacular sea cliffs, caves and natural arches that run deep into the Islands and cut through headlands.
Weather permitting a least two nights will be spent relaxing in village bay enjoying the scenery and wild life, one day kayaking around the Islands and one day exploring ashore. If the opportunity arises and weather permitting it may be possible to kayak around the sea stacks before departure.
This trip will also cater for none paddlers and for and paddlers wishing to take partners.
The cost of the trip is £810 pp.

For more information and trip details I can be contacted at – Tel- 07760203657.

Or Contact Island Cruising –

Link to Photostream look in sets St Kilda.