Subscriptions 2019-20


We are 3 months into the subscriptions year and the majority of Subs have been gratefully received. We do need to remind any members who have not paid their Subs as yet, that from the 1st July the Constitution precludes you from making use of the Club until such time as you have paid your Subs.

The season has gotten off to a great start with plenty of activity on the water and about the clubhouse. Lets keep that level of enthusiasm going into the events planned for the rest of the Summer, including the following;

Sunday 7th – 13th July – Skiffieworlds 2019
Friday 19th July – Open Social Swim
Friday 26th July – Member come & try a different Sport Evening & BBQ
Friday 26th July – Boat Club Session
Sunday 28th July – Erskine Bridge Trip
Saturday 3rd August – Clyde Swim
Friday 23rd August – Open Social Swim
Saturday 31st August – Tail o the Bank Kayak Race
Saturday 21st September – Castle to Crane Race