The AGM was well attended last Thursday night. Reports from all the Sporting Convenors illustrated good participation on and in the water over the last year, also planning for the coming year. Opening Cruise is set for Saturday 18th April to Knockderry, there is also a work party in the late afternoon and evening of Sunday 19th April to clear stones from the bottom of the middle slip at low tide.
There was also explanation of the extensive works carried out to the fabric of the clubhouse this last year, including considerable refurbishment of the balcony stairs, external painting of all of the woodwork and complete refurbishment of the Members’ Lounge. The new leather chairs for the Members’ Lounge arrived just prior to the AGM and were used by the Office Bearers. Development plans for the coming years was also intimated.
The increase in Social events was also highlighted, in particular the efforts of the Social Convenor George Carson. The Monthly sessions and periodic music events, with visiting artistes, have been very well attended. Raising funds through ticket sales and increased bar turnover. There is an Plugged In (electric) session by members on Saturday 11th April.
The Bar showed a profit this year, contributing to the running costs of the Club. This was very encouraging. The Club also returned a profit on the year.
The Budget for the coming year was approved including the small increase in the Subs illustrated on the Membership tab of the website, or immediately to the right of this paragraph in the Membership box. The renewal notices are being issued at the moment and all are encouraged to pay these as soon as they can. Our Subs Convenor Rose Sloan would remind you that, however you choose to pay your Subs, you send her a renewal form so that she has a record and doesn’t come chasing you incorrectly in the future.
Our Vice-President Al Black stood down this year after 3 years in the office and was replaced by Alex Paterson. Alex thanked Al for his work on behalf of the Club. The Hon. Treasurer also stepped down this year and we are still looking to fill her post. Anyone willing to take this on should contact the Hon. Sec. or VP. The accounts are run on SAGE and the Club has this on an external hard drive ready for use.
There were also four volunteers to join Committee from Marie Paterson, Alasdair Higgins, Jim Ford & Ian Clark. First Committee meeting is on Wednesday 22nd April @ 7pm.
Under AOCB it was explained that Tom MacKay has been working on a book on the history of rowing in the local area. More information will be available about this shortly and about how you can pre-order your copies.