There have been updates to the COVID Procedures for Water Sports.
A new set of Procedures has been written to cover the full opening of the Clubhouse and Bar.
The main changes for Water Sports are:
Up to 5 households with a maximum Group size of 8 (but the restriction of 4 on the hard and launching/landing remains the same)
Boats and paddles are no longer to be tagged and restricted to a single person (however they must be cleaned before and after your outing with soap)
You may use the toilets but changing rooms are still not to be used
The most recent water sports procedures can be found at the link shown below:
RWSABC COVID Water Sports Phase 3 Procedures Most Current Version <– This is the link to current Water Sports COVID procedures
There are new procedures to cater for the opening of the Clubhouse and Bar.
RWSABC COVID Bar and Clubhouse Phase 3 Procedures Most Current Version <– This is the link to the current Beer Garden COVID procedures
Please review these as you are expected to be aware and follow the Procedures.
Thank you for taking the time to keep up to date.
Keep Safe!
RWSABC Committee