Opening Cruise – Saturday 2 April 10am
The Opening Cruise is this Saturday, 2 April. If you plan to participate arrive at the Club around 10am.
The Opening Cruise is this Saturday, 2 April. If you plan to participate arrive at the Club around 10am.
The RWSAB Subscription Rates and Fees for 2022-23 as set at the AGM are: Ordinary – £252 per year Life – £162 per year Country – £162 per year Student – £75 per year Clubhouse – £63 per year Honorary Life – No subscription due Locker Fee – £5, Outboard
It is with sadness that we intimate the death of Alex Workman. Alex was a kayaker and joined the club in 2011. In recent years he wasn’t able to get on the water as often as he would have wished but he was still a frequent visitor to various club
The RWSABC Accounts for 2021-22 and the Proposed Budget for 2022-23 have been completed and independently examined. You can review these in the Club House. They are posted on the Notice Board. This document is not to leave the Club House.
Due to a bereavement the Winter Talk by David Nairn titled ‘Mammals of the Clyde’ has been cancelled.
The Annual General Meeting of the Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat Club will take place Thursday, 24 March at 7:00pm in the Club House. In accordance with the Constitution only Country, Family, Life, Ordinary and Student Members may vote. All Members can attend.
RWSABC Members who wish to receive a copy of the minutes for the RWSABC January 2022 Committee meeting via email meeting should contact the Honorary Secretary. The minutes will be sent as a PDF file and will be redacted in places as required. To assist the Honorary Secretary please send
Due to the Amber wind warning starting at 2:oopm and extending to midnight tonight the decision has been taken to close the Bar for this evening only. Please pass this information to anyone you know who might have been coming down to the Bar tonight. Thank you for your understanding.
After the very successful and enjoyable Festive Tea in December the next ‘Tea’ has been scheduled for 26 March. This Tea is a fund raiser in support of the Rowers going to the World Skiffie Championship in Holland at the end of June. Tickets are £15 and can be purchased
Now that it is possible to have meeting in the Club we are going to have a series of ‘Winter Talks’. The Winter Talks are an opportunity for various experienced Members and outside experts to share their knowledge with those who attend. Winter Talks will take place on various Tuesdays
© 2024 Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat Club