Abandoned Equipment – Please help us find the owners

  Alan Morgan, RWSABC Beach Convener has been working to identify owners of equipment stored in the Dinghy Park. The purpose of this is to identify and remove abandoned equipment. He has made good progress but there is still equipment on the Dinghy Park where he does not know who

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Royal West supports Respect the Water #RespectTheWater

The Royal West is supporting the RNLI and National Water Safety Forums annual ‘Respect The Water’ (#RespectTheWater) campaign.  To show our support you will see the #RespectTheWater flag flying above the Club House. #RespectTheWater is campaign which originates from RNLI, and now is the national campaign for members of the

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Celebration of 50 years since the Long Row to Skye

On 31 July the 6 rowers who undertook the longest ever ‘Long Row’ from the Royal West assembled to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their adventure.  The 6 rowers involved were Sam Brown, Ian Cameron, Colin Campbell, Dugald Carmichael, Roger Graham, Ian MacDonald.  They took the Heavy 4 Zebra across

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